Eat Less, Move Your Tush More and Forget the Crazy Bridal Diets

How do you sell an expensive weight loss program? Slap a word ‘bridal’ on it!

Have you heard about the new trend where brides-to-be are starving themselves to lose 15 pounds in just one week? Apparently, this wacky plan has a name; it’s called “bridal diet.” When I first heard about it, I wondered whether there is a crazier alternative to becoming the perfect bride.

Something blue?

So, what is really a bridal diet? In most cases, it’s nothing more than another ordinary weight loss program with the word ‘bridal’ slapped on it. Still, the trend is gaining traction. The runway is a huge influencer, but it is not the only guilty party. Shift in parenting values? Is it our nature? Vera Wang? They all have a part in this conspiracy (except for Vera).

Still worried about getting fit in time for your big day? Losing weight is simple in principle. The rule of thumb is that if you eat less, eat smart and move more and you will eventually reach that magic number on the scales. I mean, the simple science behind losing weight is the same for everyone, whether you’re a bride-to-be, bridesmaids, or a mother of the groom.

Are you gals as grossed out by this whole ‘bridal diet’ thing as I am? I would love to hear your thoughts!