Mixed-Race Marriage Infographic: The Attitudes of Americans

The Mixed-Race Marriage Infographic perfectly depicts the evolving attitudes of US citizens on the topic of racial marriage. A statistics which really stands out when scanning this infographic is that 35% of US citizens claim that they have a family member that’s part of a racial marriage. In other words, what this means is that over 35% of surveyed Americans adults claim that they have at least one family member who is married to a person of a different race. Once you compare this statistics to only two decades ago, when less than half of the US public believed it acceptable for black people to marry white people.

It is a quite clear indication that not only attitudes, but behaviors too are shifting with the times. The thing I found really great about this Mixed-Race Marriage Infographic is just how easy the information is to understand. In case you haven’t already make sure to take a look at this infographic for some interesting visual statistics.